Our Story

Like most of you, we love sports and we especially love the game of tennis. We began our little company in Marietta, Georgia in 2005. It was formed on a dream, a leap of faith, some amazing friendships, an endlessly supportive husband and a credit card! After working in both Healthcare and Information Technology, and spending far too many nights away from home, I decided that I had had enough and wanted to be my own boss. Unfortunately, that also meant no corporate paycheck.
I quickly saw the struggles of self-employment!
I grew up in the tiny town of Gilman, Illinois that to this day, does not possess a stoplight. At some point during my youth, I remember our town park putting in concrete tennis courts, but shortly thereafter it seems the nets disappeared. My first real attempt to play tennis was at the age of 31 shortly after my husband and I married. We decided that we needed a sport that we could both play together. His sports of golf and hockey just were not going to work for me! When we re-located to tennis town Atlanta in 2000, the tennis bug bit and I spent every spare moment on the court.
Since then, tennis has become a way of life as it does for so many. Friendships and leisure time now all largely revolve around the game that we love so much. No matter how many times we have had to re-locate, tennis is the one thing that opens doors to new friendships and gives us a language to speak.
I hope that you will enjoy our “stuff”. It’s fun and practical and keeps us involved in the game and creates new friendships by way of the game. With the help of artists Joel Samuelson, Thom Loafman and Valerie Bouthyette and graphic artist and former college roommate, Tracy Goodpaster, we continue to try to bring the on court tennis humor of daily life into both the products that we create and those that we represent. I am so blessed to do something that I truly love, that takes me to some of the most beautiful tennis venues in the country and allows me to share my time with fellow tennis fanatics!
I hope you will enjoy CuteTennisStuff.com. If you happen to be in Dallas, Indian Wells, Sarasota, Atlanta, Washington DC, Cincinnati or Winston-Salem for pro tour events please stop by our booth and say hello! If you happen to be a USTA player in the Southeast, you’ll likely find us at state and sectional tournaments as well!
Jade Tammen-Nordness